Belmont UMC’s Guide to a Safer Return to In-Person and Indoor Worship

Worship Guidelines for Worshipping with 50 - 100 people

Preparing for Worship

  • Please complete the health assessment online before arriving. (link)
  • Bring your mask. Belmont will provide masks for those who do not have any.
  • Use the restroom at home to minimize contact with facilities at Belmont.

Arriving at Belmont

  • Arrive by 10:15 and enter through the Iris Room entrance (down the stairs that are across from the Community Center)
  • Masks are required to be on for the duration of your time in the building.
  • If you didn’t complete the Health Assessment form before arriving, please follow directions in the back entrance to do so.

In the Sanctuary

  • Spacing on the main sanctuary floor is set up for people who wish to sing. Spacing in the balcony is set up for people who do not wish to sing. 
  • Shepherds will assist you in finding your seating. Consideration has been given to appropriate spacing and size of household groups, so please use the seats indicated.
  • There are worship bulletins in the pews, again to indicate where your seat is.
  • Please stay  6’ away from anyone not in your household group while inside the building.


  • The service is live streamed so once the prelude begins we ask that you remain quiet aside from participating in the liturgy and hymns (with your masks on). Once the service ends during the postlude we ask that you remain quiet in your seats. After the postlude our tech folks will give us an all clear.
  • Wait until you are outside the building for extended socializing with fellow worshippers.